Traveling Baggage

Oh that I were like my suitcase
Correctly crafted, quiet, still
Emptied for the next occasion, simply waiting to be filled

Oh that I were built for travel
Sturdy edges made for holding up
Designed by some creator, to buckle just enough

Oh that I were easily mobile
Wheels instead of feet to move
Whatever odd directions, a traveling hand might choose

Oh but I am human
Stitched with stressed anticipation
Filled already to capacity, frayed with vacation expectation

Oh but like my suitcase
I just might allow for some small spaces
To carry home some lovely crap, from some new exotic places

–By Me (April Resnick)


The Red Suitcase, by Joana Kruse

~ by April on May 14, 2013.

8 Responses to “Traveling Baggage”

  1. I’d say you’re more like your suitcase than you realize . . .

    • Ha Ha! The pic is me trying to be a suitcase. 😉 Thanks so much for supporting my practice and my poetry. Both mean a lot to me.

  2. Have I told you that I think you are a very intelligent writer and a great observer of self?

    • What a wonderful thing to say. Both of those things are definite goals of mine…to keep writing, to keep observing self…and hopefully getting better at both along the way. Thank you so much for reading, for enjoying, and for your encouragement. Your writing has inspired me as well.

  3. absolutely perfect picture along with an absolutely great poem.

    • Thanks mom. 🙂 If you can’t count on your mom’s support, then who can you count on? I love you and am so glad you are enjoying my writing. You always said I could be anything I wanted to be…I guess I actually believed you.

  4. Great piece of mask poetry. NIce writing.

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